turned 34 yesterday — usually i don’t mind these milemarkers, but with my newly crowned tooth still aching, it just adds insult to injury and makes me feel a bit crickety…
friday night birthday party at the house was nice — being surrounded by friends is always a good thing — and got the good news that another friend is pregnant (no, i can’t tell you which one!) — axl defiled the carpet in our bedroom — dogs that do that should be forced to do the cleaning, but since i didn’t have to clean it up, i didn’t push my point too hard 🙂
went thru the locks on saturday with steve mckenney, linda, laura porco, karen, and zach, and then just floated beside UW stadium… awesome day… then left the boat at blackburn’s dock — assumed that penn state would get whooped by nebraska today, but they ended up winning 40-7 — wonders never cease!
spent sunday reading and studying… excited about the new associates position/the whole opportunity… read about the founding of the Internet/ARPAnet most of the day today… very interesting learning about how it all started, why it was developed, how many people contributed different, radical ideas to its creation, and how new of a project it really is (launched in the late 60’s…)