Since I stopped working, I’m walking a LOT (and regularly listening to more than 10 podcasts), exploring the nooks and crannies of London, and getting in some old person exercise. I even set a goal to walk 5 million steps this year, and a minimum of 11,000 steps every day.
While I’m listening to many podcasts (full list below), I’m actually doing so much walking that I could add a few more to my playlist. So… what are a few podcasts that you RAVE about to your friends? I’m not talking about ones that you somewhat like… raves only!
Here are my favorites, grouped by general ‘category’:
Comedy Podcasts
- The Adam Carolla Show – another really funny comedian. But I personally enjoy it because I also like themes he lives by such as self-reliance, hard work, and family. NSFW 🙂 Recent favorite: Jay Mohr and David Wild
- Monday Morning Podcast, with Bill Burr – really funny comedian with a thick Boston accent that reminds me of my friend Bill Andrulevich. So, I laugh, plus I feel like Bill’s talking to me a few times per week! Recent favorite: Friendly Slacks, Silver Bells and Patrick Swayze (NSFW)
Storytelling Podcasts
- The Memory Palace – I ‘LOVE’ this podcast. Host Nate DiMeo brings the past alive. I strongly recommend these two episodes from 2016:
- Local Channels (Nate picked this as his favorite from 2016 as well…)
- AKA Leo
- This American Life – you’ve probably heard this one on the radio — it’s an awesome podcast, and ensures you never miss an episode. They had so many wonderful shows in 2016, so it was hard to pick a favorite. This was a recent favorite: Kid Logic 2016
- Radiolab – a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience. Recent favorite: Lose Lose
- Benjamin Walker’s Theory of Everything – it’s just good 🙂
Music Podcasts
- Desert Island Discs – great interviews with artists, architects, business people and the like; includes 8 songs that they’d want to take to a desert island. Recent favorite: Bruce Springsteen
Crime Podcasts
- Serial – this is the podcast that brought ‘series podcasts’ to the mainstream. I personally liked season one much better than season two, but they were both good. If you haven’t listened to Serial Season One, I recommend that you start at the beginning — you will LOVE it.
- Criminal – a podcast about crime. Stories of people who’ve done wrong, been wronged, or gotten caught somewhere in the middle. Recent favorite: Everyday Genius
Thanks for everyone’s suggestions, posted on Facebook, Twitter and in the comments below. This is a summary Google Doc to make them easy to find — let me know if you want editing privileges!
These are my four go-tos, partially optimized for my commute time, but also entertaining/educating.
Ask me Another –
How I Built This –
99% Invisible –
20 Thousand Hertz –
Thanks — I've heard 99% from multiple folks, so that's the first addition. You likely have a lot of podcast time on the Bainbridge Ferry, eh? Nice…
Here's some of the podcasts that been on blast for me lately.
1. Cheap Heat:
2. Talk is Jericho:
3. Love + Radio:
4. Startup Podcast:
Gracias — and, now that Seahawks season is behind us, you have a lot more time for podcasts, eh? Sad days…