We’ve all heard about Google’s famous 20% time, right? It always seemed like a nice idea, but wasn’t one that we worked into TeachStreet’s routine. Then, we got a taste of Startup Weekend hackathon energy, and wondered if we could smash together the 20% time and Startup Weekend ideas, and come up with our own TeachStreet Hack Week creation. So, we did!
We asked everybody on the team to come up with project ideas that we thought we could create during a 4-5 day hackathon. Pretty much everybody submitted ideas, and the winner was the OnTheWay app.
It’s a pretty simple idea — that is, when you go on road trips, you almost never know about the great stuff that you’re racing by at 70 miles per hour. I mean, just in Washington we have the World’s Largest Shoe, The World’s Largest Frying Pan, and much more 🙂 Plus, why eat at a terrible restaurant (the first you could find), when instead you may be passing withing a stone’s throw of a 5-star rated gem, that’s been frequented by many of your friends?
So, we built it — or, more specifically, the team built it (while I dug out of my backlog of email, projects, and more). Of course, that didn’t stop me from lobbing in my opinions at every available instance, but people very quickly told me to talk to the hand.
I’m really proud of what the team came up with. Go give OnTheWay a try. Just enter in your starting location, your destination, and then check out the interesting roadside attractions. We hope you love it!
I have found your page once and LOVED it but now it says that there is an application error. Is this going to be fixed or is it permanent? Thanks!
i think it's fixed — i just went to the URL and it worked fine. was probably temporary.
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