Okay, I’ll state it for the record. The best gift that I ever received was the Atari 2600 that my parents bought for me for Christmas when I was about 10 years old. And my favorite games were Kaboom! (the explanation point is part of the title, sort of like Yahoo!) and Adventure. So, I couldn’t have been more excited when I met the inventor of Adventure, Warren Robinett, in Chapel Hill, NC, totally by random chance. For game lovers, this is a pretty big deal, as he was the first programmer to insert an ‘easter egg’ in a video game; that is, he included a secret key that you had to pick up, and if you held that, you could then proceed through a formerly blocked wall to get to a hidden message (the message was ‘Created by Warren Robinett’). Anyway, it was a pretty cool blast from the past.