Below is a link for my first experiment in podcasting… enjoy! If you don’t know what Podcasting is, just Google it.
I called it Early Retirement Dot Com guy, basically because I’m all over the board right now with what I’m going to do next. Figure that I’ll muse a bit about technology, new companies, the different things I’m considering, recent events, etc.
Topics Covered:
1) Introduction to me
2) Discussion of how Auctions is encouraging spam, and how the President/CEO of (Patrick Byrne) called me a ‘Sanctimonious Ass’ in an email exchange – amazing!
3) Plug for my favorite radio station, which is also available for online streaming, KEXP (90.3-Seattle, 91.7-Tacoma)
Basically, I’ll be competing quite strongly for the title “most boring podcaster”. Good news is that from the sound of things, I’ve got plenty of competition 🙂
Makes me wonder what I’m really a specialist in.
Dave Schappell quote of the day, “Entertaining people is hard.”
hey nice start – the call in from karen part was especially good + spontaneous. welcome to the strange podcaster world!
i gave your podcast a listen and i enjoyed it – definitely keep ’em coming. after listening in, i started to imagine a lot of applications for podcasting… very cool!